After a project filled week at school and work back to back.. plus litte to no sleep all week I barely had a minute to just relax... I coped with this by bottling up all my stress until I just couldnt take it anymore and slept it off for hours on friday - couln't help it! So the hubbs treated me to a little weekend pick me up :]
So we went to P.Mills mall 'cause he really wanted to get some more spring shirts and some shorts... I didnt find anything i liked until i got to the CCO :] Picked up the Coral Lips set from the Antiquitease collection that came out ages ago for just $22! :]
Two Full Sized Lippies and a mini Lipglass..
Artisto-Chic is very very similar to my natural lip shade, with a touch of pinky in it and I’m absolutely in love. Anyone know any colors similar/ dupes to this shade? I LOVE IT! I NEED more! lol. I might just go pick up another set of these if I can't find any permanent shade similar to this. It's actually my first Mac lipstick purchase so it was great to be able to try the lippies. (I have a few lipglass') I really loved the texture of these and they last quite awhile.
I pared my Artisto-Chic lipstick with a new Stili-Style lipliner I got from Freestyle Beauty (Similar to Sallys) in rose. I think it looks great! I also picked up a nude lip liner - which I think may be too pale for my pigmented lips :-/, as well as a ultra purple eyeliner. Can't wait to cook up a look for it! Such a spring/summer color. I'll have that post up soon :]
Also, I’ve really gotten into a health kick (again) I've lost about 20 pounds since I started exercising about a year ago, but I haven’t been to the gym since December and my eating habits have gotten worse, so I decided to get back into my old regimen... So I picked up some cute new running shorts :] Got to look cute, even at the gym :]
I also found the deal I’ve been waiting for! I've been on the lookout for a nice lighted mirror for quite awhile, and all the ones I've liked have been about $50+ at BB&Beyond... so I held out and hogged the bathroom mirror. Well I’m happy to announce I found a mirror! A Revlon Mirror to be exact for only $20!!! Boo-ya!! I knew I could find a better deal ;] Thanks to the hubs for spotting this one out of the messy pile :D
Also pictured are two Clinique products, Dramatically Different Gel moisturizer and three bars of soap for Oily/Oily-Combo skin types. The soaps leave me skin squeaky clean w/o tightness :] This gel is my HG for the summer. I don’t know why there are so many mixed reviews for this on MUA - I have an oil slick for a T-zone and this drastically changed how many Oil blotting sheets I use through out the course of a day... I LOVE IT! When the gel dries it leaves my face so smooth, almost like the feeling a primer gives you.